Jackie Jensen – singer, songwriter and producer – NEW VIDEO out now!

“True happiness is not looking back with regret, but looking forward to the future and creating your own exciting, magnificent destiny and masterpiece, YOUR LIFE!” Discover your full potential!
Serve, love, forgive and pay it forward to make a difference!
Successful relationships give love, appreciation and recognition!



– by Melody Jensen


Celebrate with us and see new restrooms and composting for gardens and hunger in Mali Africa.

Register now to be notified of exciting events, seminars and personal development empowerment training!
Introducing now, exciting events and seminars entitled:

“Discover You and Be Happy!”
“What do Men and Women Really Want?”

Melody Jensen is proud to introduce for the first time in Internet History an exciting new breakthrough in personal development technology:

What do men and women really want?

Have you communicated your needs and expectations in all your personal and business relationships?

Success is not only in finding the right person, but in BEING the right person!

Don’t make costly mistakes with your career or business relationships!

Profile your partnerships in your life!
Enhance your personal relationships:


Get it right every time in:

•Career Planning
•Correct employee job placement
•Evaluating emotional IQ
•People skills training
•Increase profits

• Let your spirit soar!

• Dream and experience the passion!

• Ignite the romance and love!

• Look and feel 10 years younger!


Exciting pages of beneficial information about your unique
personality is included in every imageprofile analysis!

Grand Opening of Melody’s Secret Seminar!

Image Profile Base – which is your central theme of your personality; (strengths and weaknesses)

A ticket to the Grand opening of Melody’s Secret Seminar! Learn important life skills needed to be successful!

Potential Strengths and weaknesses in decision making, communication, control of people and control of time!

This new tool for relationship and people skill training will increase your profit and expand your clientele. 

The Imageprofile technology is a new breakthrough in personal development that will give you the training and momentum you need to assist you with your personal relationships, as well as business.

Corporate America is charged hundreds of dollars to profile for each employee. 

These profiles are not as extensive or as in depth as Imageprofile!

Discover your full potential in dating, romance, marriage, parenting, business, career and physical fitness.

The Benefits that you will receive are:

1. People Skill Training – A greater understanding of yourself and others!

2. Receive more love, appreciation and recognition!

3. Improved relationships in marriage, dating and business etc.!

4. Increase your sales, profits and recruiting efforts!

5. Correct hiring and job placement!

6. Improved Self Esteem and Confidence!

7. Improved Parenting Skills!

8. Image Tips!

9. Individualized Exercise Tips!

"To look only because you must see, you'll end up dwelling in a gray world, to breathe only to stay alive is to lose a slice of your existence and to be an individual and not discover your full potential is to ignore the measure of your creation."

“When we want to change our life we change our thought.”

Discover your own unique customized Image Profile designed to help you reach your full potential in all your relationships personally, as well as in business !

To reach your full potential, it is suggested that you take your
own unique profile every six months!


To the light and energy from God, the creation above, and to my loved ones for the past twenty years, who have persevered with their great listening skills, for countless hours as the information and knowledge unfolded.

“All this by Divine Right; Divine Intervention and with good for all concerned.”